Whether writing creative fiction or a professional research paper, we all stumble across writer's block. Whenever this occurs, it is always good to know that you will not suffer from writer's block forever. In fact, there are some ways that we may overcome this trouble, and some tips may work better than others. 

Some methods that I have to gain back inspiration:
1. Listen to certain songs that may motivate or inspire in some way. Many people like listening to music as they write, and I think that angry songs, sad songs, love songs, or upbeat songs affect our minds in different ways. Try it to see if it can affect the mood of your writing. 

2. Don't get discouraged. If having a moment where you feel as if you cannot write, instead think of all the things that you can do really well. If writing fiction, incorporate some of the things that interest you most in your narrative and see if it will spark creativity and lend you will have more motivation to write. 

3. Make sure that you are well-rested and well-fed before taking up a writing assignment. Thinking too much about sleep or food, or even all of the other assignments that you should be completing that day, makes writer's block even worse. Also, you can always take a break from the computer to eat or hang out with friends and see if your mind is refreshed by the time you sit down at the computer once again. 

4. If writing fiction, find inspiration from your favorite fiction! The more you read, the better you write. Well-written fiction can boost your creativity and enthusiasm for writing, which in turn can stomp out writer's block.

Jocelyn Davis
2/1/2013 02:39:35 am

I'm glad I'm not the only person who experiences this problem and has to find little ways to kick my mind back into gear. I always rely on music to help me find the right words, like you said it definitely brings up emotions that we can relay in our writing!

Isaiah Luck
2/1/2013 12:36:37 pm

I agree with Jocelyn! sometimes I just have to walk away and come back to it and then I'm good but writers block is something we all have experienced and a good topic to talk about. Especially me, I love creativity and writing so this screams me right here lol.


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