Recently I attended a "mock interview," where I was asked a set of questions preparing me for a real interview I have scheduled on Thursday. One of the questions that was asked of me was, "What do you do when you get bored?" I sat there for a few seconds dumbfounded, and I can honestly say that do not ever "feel bored." What does it mean to be bored anyway? Is it watching an entire season of a television show in one day because you have nothing else to do? 

Granted, I watched almost the entire first season of American Horror Story in one day, but it captured my interest so much that I could not continue on with the day until I knew what happened to Character X. And then began the thoughts, "I'll just watch one more episode," "maybe one more," "maybe I'll just watch this episode while I eat my sandwich for lunch," and so it goes. However, I must say that this day that I am describing happened during finals week. I was not simply watching a television show because I was bored. Rather, it was one of the busiest weeks of my life! Yet I unfortunately found an addiction to a show at the same time. The stress of fitting everything into 24 hour days actually kept me focused and kept in mind what I needed to accomplish. Back to my main point, don't we all have things that we need to accomplish at all times of day? No matter as mundane as throwing laundry in the dryer or cleaning dishes, we all have tasks that stray us from boredom.

I guess it comes down to our work ethic. If our work ethic is strong, we can accomplish much, and not feel the weight of boredom dragging us to the couch. However, as we procrastinate, we might wander into boredom's territory, only to feel our pending tasks surging us with stress. Yes, we all come to points where we simply just do not feel like doing anything. But with that being said, we control our own routines, and we should not let boredom be the captain of our ship. Taking initiative to setting goals of what we want to accomplish each day is a great start. Even if these things do not get accomplished, we know what we are working towards. And of course, if coursework or domestic work is done for the day, a way that any of us can avoid boredom is by staying creative. 

Start thinking of creative ways to be creative! Keep a writing journal or a notebook for drawings. Start a personal blog. Take up sewing or DIY fashion. Practice singing or practice an instrument. Get together with a friend for arts and crafts. Although this particular idea seems a little archaic in today's technological age, it can be a lot of fun. Boredom can be depressing, so avoid it! Practice your craft and learn new crafts.